10th October 2017, Foresight in Government
Demographic shifts, usage of complex technology, economic volatility, cyber security threats and climate change are among the global challenges faced by the Public Service of the future. Governments are expected to transform towards faster and more agile administration by, among others, changing their daily operation style, and positioning the Public Service at the forefront of service excellence.
Acknowledging the facts, Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM) planned to foster Foresight understanding and methodologies into the upcoming JKM’s Strategic Plan. A two-days’ workshop was held in Penang involving top management, State Directors and Division Directors of JKM; whereby myForesight® presented for the Scene Setting slot.
In the presentation, it was clearly stressed that, there are multiple factors to consider in exploring the futures through scenarios which are changing trends, addressing the right issues & challenges, exploring uncertainties and considering drivers of change. By doing so, scenarios building exercise will be an effective tools to pave the way forward strategically.